The Jackson 5ive was a Saturday morning cartoon series produced by Rankin/Bass and Motown Productions on ABC from September 11, 1971 until September 1, 1973; a fictionalized portrayal of the careers of Motown recording group The Jackson 5. ABC rebroadcast the series during the 1984-1985 Saturday morning season, which were also years when Michael Jackson had been riding a wave of popularity. The series was animated mainly in London at the studios of Halas and Batchelor, and some animation done at Estudios Moro, Barcelona, Spain. The director was Spanish-American Robert Balser.
Season 1 Episode 1: "It All Started With"
The pilot episode, introducing the five brothers, their pets, their producer (Berry Gordy) and the apocryphal origin story of the Jacksons depicting Diana Ross as their mentor who discovered them when they saved her from their pet snake, Rosey.
Songs: "ABC", "Goin' Back to Indiana"